Grey swirls on a cloudy day,
Two inches deep,
The pulsing of the heart,
Its gentle cry aches.
Oh, how the heart calls out,
Guiding towards joy,
But the little child fears,
In the shadows of forgotten corners.
Hands on top of ears,
The child longs for new beginnings,
The thum thum thum of the chest,
Now becomes a dull scream.
Twenty years later,
All grown up,
Seeing the box around her,
Pushing down the walls.
But look, how she is now,
Forged from the fire,
Smiling, even in sadness,
For she realizes the might of her heart.
The pain has taught the most beautiful lessons,
That the heart is strong,
That her love is infinite,
That her tears make her human.
She is more human than ever before,
More imperfect and perfect all the same,
All emotions are permitted,
She is free.
Letting go of expectations,
She allows herself to be,
Listening to the heart at each moment,
Embodying its sacred message.