I am joy,
Rippling through the air,
A song so pure,
All hearts become one.
Initiation is here,
Souls gathering at centre,
Blessed by lavender kisses,
I close my eyes.
It is the garden, my garden,
So beautiful from above,
My home before rebirth,
My sanctuary before time.
My heart bursts,
It is the gift of Knowing,
Human and Source are one,
I remember.
There is a door,
A gateway of light in the white sky,
I take one step forward,
It is time.
“But I’m scared,” I say,
What will happen when I forget?
Who will I become?
Will I remember that I am love?
“Don’t be afraid,” says Source,
You are powerful like the ocean,
Radiant like the sun,
And you aren’t alone.
I stand among many,
A family coming together,
To do the work that needs to be done,
Remember the mission.
I wake up in front of Ocean,
A magnificent creation,
Its touch loving and playful,
Its healing infinite.
I hear her voice, my voice,
Waves lapping away,
The wind on my skin,
Silence on a starry night.
I see darkness,
The beauty of it all,
Infinite expanse,
The call to shine bright.
When I sleep,
I sleep next to Love,
Ocean and Wind ever present,
Two hearts become whole.
At the end and at the beginning,
We stand on the precipice,
Looking upon the deepest blues,
The sun begins to wake.
A journey full circle,
I started with sunsite,
One summer night,
I complete with sunclipse.
Breathe deeply,
Eyes closed,
Can you feel it?
Do you remember now?
I am Brilliance,
I am Sparkle,
I am Beauty,
I am Power.
I look at you,
Words fall away,
Eyes shining and hearts burning,
We remember.
Wishes upon shooting stars,
Flowers appear in twos,
Creatures greeting in earnest,
Hands exploring the lines of a soul.
The divine warrior awakens,
Trust in herself and in Source,
She knows and she knows deeply,
Accepting the name of Ocean.
She embarks once again,
Knowing she was here before,
She can do it again,
Sacred purpose and destiny are one.
I accept unconditional love,
I surrender to the Infinite,
To the storm that is to come,
And the creation that is to follow.
I will create for love,
With love,
A voice ancient and new,
My offering for mankind.
I call on my birthright,
Blessings from all my selves,
Magic and life flow anew,
Embracing the serpent of fire.
Who am I?
I am Love,
I am Light,
I am Ocean.
On this day and every day forward, I accept my Legacy of Light.
Let it be so.