I am the Sun…

Radiant and free,Dancing in the UniverseAmongst the stars and planets,As I spread love to all that I see. I am the Sun…Beautiful in my stillness,Ever knowing, ever present,Observing the vast darkness,Bringing the light to everything I touch. I am the Sun…Even in the darkest and loneliest of moments,I am whole and complete,A beacon of light … Read more

I’m a Woman in a Woman’s World

… And here’s the beauty I see. For the past year, I have been blown away by the women who have come into my life. From goddess circles to business masterminds, my life (as of recent) has been surrounded by strong, powerful women. Women who have achieved great things and transformed entire communities by their … Read more

But What If It Does Work?

If there’s one thing that we excel as entrepreneurs, it’s our ability to sense danger from a mile away. Vigilant and responsive, our minds analyze the situation around us and try to anticipate what will fail next. For anyone who’s owned a business before, you know this vigilance is necessary to make sure that one … Read more

Saying No to Receive Yes

When I was young, I felt burdened to be the “good girl,” the people pleaser. In a society where I was valued for being a follower, to obey and to maintain what others believed to be “lady-like” behaviour, there was this constant pressure to be perfect. As a kid, when I tried to break these … Read more

Why I Embrace Normal and You Should Too

Our society has an addiction towards the extraordinary. Our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are flooded with story after story about things like billion-dollar startup valuations and kid geniuses breaking barriers. These stories have become so common in media that people barely bat an eye when we hear of someone donating to charity or volunteering at … Read more

Be Bold, Be Thankful: Practice Gratitude

Implementing a daily gratitude practice is one of the best things you can do for yourself. In the past decade, there has been a shift towards mindfulness in popular culture, such as the emergence of yoga gyms, meditation clinics, and sensory deprivation spas. In a world where we are bombarded nonstop, people seek experiences that … Read more