Love and Ego

Every decision I make is either fueled by love or ego. Love is the authentic self, who knows she is whole and complete, operating in the world from a place of Power. Ego is fearful, clinging onto old stories that justify why she holds back. She sees the world as a dangerous and dishonest place, … Read more

Why I Embrace Normal and You Should Too

Our society has an addiction towards the extraordinary. Our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are flooded with story after story about things like billion-dollar startup valuations and kid geniuses breaking barriers. These stories have become so common in media that people barely bat an eye when we hear of someone donating to charity or volunteering at … Read more

Be Bold, Be Thankful: Practice Gratitude

Implementing a daily gratitude practice is one of the best things you can do for yourself. In the past decade, there has been a shift towards mindfulness in popular culture, such as the emergence of yoga gyms, meditation clinics, and sensory deprivation spas. In a world where we are bombarded nonstop, people seek experiences that … Read more

How to Be Remarkable: Quit AND Persevere

Last week, I finished reading entrepreneur Seth Godin’s The Dip. A short book (about 80 pages long); it left a profound impact on me. As a type-A workholic and an opportunistic idealist, I have found it hard to say no to opportunities. Surrounded by self-made entrepreneurs on both sides of the family, I grew up … Read more

It’s the Small Things

Two months ago, I attended a talk by UJ Ramdas, founder of The Five-Minute Journal and the company Intelligent Change. Ramdas came to speak at my crossfit gym during the 6-Week Challenge, in which ladies commit to a rigorous exercise and diet schedule for six weeks. A common concern of any bootcamp is how to … Read more